My view for some years now (predating the covid nonsense) has been that people like Ms. Wojcicki really don't care about whatever issue they're talking about, or being on one side or the other of history (which is a Marxist concept), but rather doing their part to unconditionally support The Party. The Party being the closed, elite, social group that they consider themselves part of, and which defines their existence. It is both their right and duty to dictate what is thought, and the important part is not whether it is correct, but whether it is what The Party has defined as truth. If The Party changes the truth tomorrow, she will change the censorship regime tomorrow, with no thought whatsoever of the contradiction.

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Let’s not forget she also led the charge to ban any and all discussion of Biden’s election fraud. No videos, no discussions, no questions, just bans.

I hope she knew Christ, repented, and was saved. Best any of us can hope for.

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"'They' are everyone who wants to be one of them. 'They' die off and are replaced, but the institution of Theyness continues..."

-- Harry Harrison, "Bill the Galactic Hero"

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One of the greatest accomplishments of my life - and I’ve had a great life, don’t get me wrong - was resisting that damn injection. I got pressure from EVERYBODY: my wife, my wife’s family, my mom, my brother, my business partner. And I resisted all of them.

Yes, I did spend a week in the hospital with Covid in 2021, and it was as sick as I’ve ever been and I could have died, but I didn’t die and I fully recovered. And as far as I know, that was the only time I’ve ever had it. Natural immunity, I think.

But you know what I will never ever have for the rest of my life? Side effects from the vaccine or anxiety about said side effects. If I ever get cancer or an aortic embolism or whatever, it will be due to old fashioned bad luck. It won’t be due to mindlessly taking an experimental genetic drug because the media scared me into it. It seemed fishy to me at the time and it turns out I was right to be suspicious.

It’s a helluva trade, in my opinion.

Again, I’m proud and I’ll go to my grave bring proud.

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“So if it didn’t protect against the virus, what the hell good was it?”

Maybe if you were old and it kept you from dying? Just maybe.

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It is claimed that, even if the vaccine didn't prevent you from getting the virus, it reduced the risk of dying from the virus. But that's merely a claim, made by the same "experts" who have otherwise discredited themselves, so excuse me if I'm skeptical about it.

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I know nothing about this woman other than what I just read. I did notice that she was younger than me and that reminds me that tomorrow is not promised.

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Gone and forgotten

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