Parents turn to homeschooling when they can no longer trust teachers, administrators and/or school boards. These days the school system, including teachers, is giving parents plenty of reasons to keep their children at home. Teacher behavior has proven that even with all of their education they’re not good teachers, and children are not safe in their classrooms.

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I'm surprised she credited the "Evangelical mom" with any education at all. Yes, pretty much anything that isn't the narrative is "extremism" according to the narrative followers who are pretty much totalitarian about the narrative itself. My view though is that apart from abortion, they aren't really tied to any specific policy. If tomorrow Davos changed the narrative to home schooling is good, they'd get behind it pretty quickly. And speaking of "isn't sure about the holocaust", I see that "Joe Biden" gave George Soros, Jewish betrayer of Jews, the medal of freedom today. I'm not holding my breath waiting for the legacy media to ask about it though.

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